Saturday, May 20, 2017
Community-Wide Bake Sale for Hunger Relief

Thank you for helping to relieve hunger and food insecurity in our neighborhood - or yours!
Special thanks to the following businesses for their generous contributions to the bake sale:
Bluestone Coffee Co., 123 Watchung Ave., Montclair
Ester's Treats, Organic and Natural Bakery
Garden State Kitchen, commercial kitchen space in Orange, NJ
TreeLicious Orchards, Port Murray, NJ and every Saturday at the Montclair Farmer's Market
Vacchiano Farm, Washington, NJ and every Saturday at the Montclair Farmer's Market
In the United States today, 13% of all households, and 17% of households with children are food insecure. This means that out of every 10 American households, at least one of them can't be sure they'll have enough food to eat each month. And in some states, it's as high as 2 in 10 households. And believe it or not, this even includes many active-duty military families.
"...people are hungry in this country not because there's not enough food here. ...It's because we don't have the political will to make sure that every single person is fed. We can end hunger in this country."
- Chef Tom Colicchio, NPR, 5/1/17
So c'mon, let's do something about it!
Missed the Bake Sale? You can still help! Organize a bake sale in your own community! Or donate to a hunger relief organization serving the United States or internationally.