Sunday, April 26, 2020
This event is on hold…
…due to the current outbreak and social distancing guidelines from federal and local health departments. However, this is a time that even more people need our help, so we’re thinking through alternative options and will announce our plans as soon as we can.
Please volunteer to bring a baked good (sweet or savory!) or other food item for Sunday’s Bake Sale:
Help to relieve hunger and food insecurity! Join us for Adventure' Kitchen’s 5th Annual Bake Sale for Hunger Relief at 26 South Park St in Montclair on 4/26/20.
>> Volunteer to bake for our 2020 Bake Sale
>> Donate to a hunger relief organization serving the United States or internationally.
"...people are hungry in this country not because there's not enough food here. ...It's because we don't have the political will to make sure that every single person is fed. We can end hunger in this country."
- Chef Tom Colicchio
So c'mon, let's do something about it!
Last year we donated all proceeds to Toni’s Kitchen!
Read the press release and check out some pics from last year's Bake Sale: