Summer Salads
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When it's just too hot to cook, it's time to chill with a salad.
Red leaf lettuce from my CSA
This post will be pretty brief, because that's what I'm doing right now: chillin' out. As I write this, I'm on vacation in Finland with my family, enjoying the long, sunny days near the Arctic circle (light until 11:00pm!), enjoying "long drinks" (which I will definitely be creating a recipe for), eating lots of pickled herring and snacking on the fresh strawberries and peas we see at every open air market.
I created this Lemon-Kale Chiffonade Salad last summer, and I just have to tell you, it's so delicious I crave it. Just the right amount of lemon juice, balanced with the salty punch of Peccorino-Romano and the occasional sweet juicy burst of summer fruit. I've made this with nectarines, peaches and supremed oranges, and I imagine it would also be delicious with mangoes. And it's the perfect thing to take to a summer barbecue - the dressed kale only improves with resting.
The other recipe I'm sharing with you this week is my classic Dijon Vinaigrette. It's a classic French approach, and a great all-around dressing for just about any greens.
Next: Summertime (e)Scapes
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